“Advance Knowledge and Skills for Sustainable Growth (AKSI)”

  • The Challange

AKSI is a collaboration project between Indonesia’s Ministry of Research, Technology, and Higher Education and the Asian Development Bank that aims to develop and implement knowledge management and communication strategies to support Indonesia’s higher education system by providing advanced skills and knowledge to support inclusive and sustainable economic growth. The project is incorporated with four universities, the University of Malikussaleh (UNIMAL), the University of Jambi (UNJA), the University of Riau (UNRI), and the Indonesia University for Education (UPI) with the objective to improve access, quality, and relevance of their education and research facilities. Through this project, led by the Ministry, the four universities will be fostered to develop an appropriate system and practice to improve the universities’ management and governance, financial strategy, TVET teacher development strategy, accreditation, quality of tracer study, knowledge management & communication strategy, and continuous professional development for all members of the universities’ management and leadership teams.

  • Our Approach

ID COMM was entrusted to be the PR agency in this project, given the task to build the reputation of the four universities’ Centers of Excellence (CoE) as the project’s main output. The goal is to make the output be perceived as reliable centers for knowledge that conduct best practices and be seen as a trusted reference on particular topics/subject matters. Furthermore, through active knowledge management and communication, the AKSI TA expects the CoEs to be able to market themselves in order to enhance their network and partnership and to reach their objectives sustainably.

  • The Result

ID COMM developed the communication strategy and advocacy plan for the overall AKSI project, as well as the development of the framework for knowledge management, marketing communication & industrial/stakeholder partnership for the Universities’ CoEs, design & implement capacity building/training programs by conducting a series of Knowledge Management and Communication skill training/workshops (“The Importance of Project Branding and Visibilities“, “Working with the Media Effectively”, “Website Management and Best Utilization of Convergent Media”, “Stakeholders Management and Partnership”) for all universities and the PMUs (project management unit). In addition, ID COMM also provided pre-surveys and post-surveys in every training/workshop session to identify the level of development or achievement of the desired objectives, led and supported the implementation of the project’s knowledge management and communication, as well as advocating for the appointment of a Knowledge Management and Communication officer in each university and at the PMUs. Aside from the above, ID COMM also led the development of the AKSI Project branching guideline, the AKSI Project website and user guide, and the AKSI Project booklet (info pack).