Angeline Hidayat
Angeline has been an essential part of ID COMM Public Affairs team since 2021. Her focus on development programs, particularly in gender equality, healthcare, and sustainability, has led her to notable achievements. Angeline is familiar with behavioral change communications and risk communications while addressing pressing social issues.
She has successfully coordinated high-impact campaigns that address important topics, including gender norms, green economy initiatives, and indigenous rights. She excels in tailoring narratives, crafting stories and creating information kits, ensuring that each campaign reaches and resonates with its intended audience. Her robust skill set in media relations and content development continually leads to impactful outcomes for the projects she manages.
Angeline’s passion for social justice is evident in her advocacy and research on gender issues. Before joining ID COMM, she supported legislative reforms and presented her findings at national conferences. Her consistency and challenge-driven mindset, along with her deep understanding of social justice, makes her a valuable asset. Her commitment to excellence and ability to deliver meaningful results highlight her dedication and expertise.
Other Consultants
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Maytha Andryanna
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Bhayu Sugarda
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Riska Fiati
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Sally Piri
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Dewi Bastina
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Dewi Inggita
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Chicilia Wongsodiredjo
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Yulia Maroe
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Adeanti Prasti
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Wynona Gabriella
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Deshinta Bunga
Anindya Pramaditta
Robert Yota
Esa Satria Palayukan
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Ayu Larasati
Agil Asmoaji
Agustina Aniek Maryani
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Muhammad Fikri Wahyudi
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