“European Union Policy Outreach and Partnership”

  • The Challange

The European Union has set a goal to build and develop relationships with Indonesian government stakeholders, development partners, diplomatic communities, civil society groups, and the media. The partnership between the EU and ID COMM consultants started on August 2018 and lasted until December 2021.

  • Our Approach

ID COMM consultants were approached by the EU to come up with program and implementation strategies titled European Union Policy Outreach and Partnership (EUPOP). Programs and events initiated through EUPOP include meetings, dialogues, training, capacity building sessions, exhibitions and fairs, roadshows, youth competitions, press announcements, provision of knowledge & technical support in the area of policy advocacy, trade diplomacy, environment diplomacy, cultural diplomacy, and youth diplomacy. Communicational actions were conducted through the mixture of owned, shared, earned, and paid channels. Five programs were initiated throughout the four year partnership, namely Climate Diplomacy Week, EU4Wartawan/EU4Journalists, EU Social Digithon (hackathon), EU Trade Roadshow, and EU Indonesia Big Band- Nusantero.

  • The Result

Various forms of deliverable were produced under ID COMM consultants’ leadership in the area of communications, public relations, and advocacy. From concept notes and program designing, development of knowledge products, establishment of communication platforms (web, microsite, and landing page), development of media and social media strategies, social media editorial planning, content creation, content publication and dissemination, press kit development and distribution, outreach to stakeholder groups, program/event organizing, to measurement and reporting. In terms of outcomes produced from the implemented programs, the Climate Diplomacy Week managed to involve 161 organizations and 54,000 individual participants (offline and Zoom). In addition, the EU Social Digithon also inspired tech innovators to create inventions to solve social issues, such as a mobile app for the visually impaired to detect COVID-19 prone areas and a telemedicine/remote doctor medical app. Nusantero, a band consisting of Indonesian and European musicians under the EU Indonesia Big Band program also managed to perform at Java Jazz 2020. At the end, ID COMM consultants had managed to successfully bridged the EU to build solid relationships with local stakeholders and created programs that are engaging for all types of demographics (students, journalists, government entities, etc.) to participate.