The Challenge
Headquartered in San Francisco, Zipline International is a company that designs, manufactures, and operates delivery drones. Zipline was established in 2014 and started its operations in Rwanda in 2016 by delivering blood-related products during medical emergencies. It began delivering more health products including routine vaccines in 2019. When Zipline started operating in Rwanda in 2016, it was the first drone service to operate in the world, and the team has built on the momentum to continuously refine the system. Zipline’s mission is to raise public awareness regarding the lack of healthcare access in Indonesia, particularly in rural and remote areas.
Our Approach
ID COMM was entrusted by Zipline to come up with a Strategic Advocacy and Communication Plan to Promote Innovative Solutions for the Improvement of Health Access in Indonesia. The proposed strategy lies in a two-pronged approach. Firstly, Government relations – Outreach to and relationship maintenance with relevant key government ministries/agencies to build understanding and explore potential partnerships to serve the objectives. Secondly, Media and community relations – Build a narrative of a delivery drone as a solution to healthcare access through various media platforms and community engagement events. This would include the combined use of conventional media and direct approaches to the target audience, with a specific message tailored for each group of audiences. ID COMM also held FGD (referring to government relations), press release dissemination, and Opinion Editorial (press release and OpEd refer to the second strategy – Media and community relations).
The Result
From the “Can Technology Intervention Accelerate Immunization Coverage in Indonesia” press release dissemination, a total of 17 articles were published by the media. The articles were the result of article pitching to the targeted media. As we expanded our pitching efforts, several non-targeted media also issued articles. In total, the published articles managed to reach 14 million impression rates that are worth Rp 1,9 billion in PR value (from the press release dissemination). Meanwhile, the FGD event resulted in 3 coverages from, Koran Tempo, and Gatra which accumulated a total of 49 million impressions, amassing Rp 1,6 billion in PR value.